WRTV 6 featured the Foster Grandparent at Greensburg Elementary School. The story and video and can be found at this LINK.

GREENSBURG — What’s the next best thing to a grandma or grandpa? A foster grandparent!

Last year 4,500 kids across the state were mentored by foster grandparents in their classrooms — and this year the schools need more.

“If I didn’t come in here, I’d just be sitting at home being bored,” Beverly Hargitt, an 86-year-old woman who has served as a foster grandparent for eight years, said.

The second graders are Greensburg Elementary School love Hargitt. Though she may not be every second-grader at Greensburg Elementary’s technical grandparent — already having plenty of her own — she sure acts like it.

“Oh yeah. I’ve got eight grandchildren and six — or I can’t even remember how many great-grandchildren,” Hargitt said.

“Sometimes I have a bad day, and grandma helps cheer me up,” Carter Beagle, a second-grade student at Greensburg Elementary, said. “Like today, I read a book with her.”