Wellness Tip of the Week – March 19-25
Wellness Tip of the Week – March 12-18
Nutrition Awareness Week
Nutrition Awareness Week Proclaimed for March 13-17.
Register Now for the Thrive Alliance Pickleball Tournament
Wellness Tip of the Week – March 5-11
Save the Date for our Annual Pickleball Fundraiser Tournament – Sponsorships Available
March is National Nutrition Month.
March is National Nutrition Month.
The theme this year Make Every Bite Count – Make All Foods Fit.
How a return to normal will impact some Indiana Medicaid members
How a return to normal will impact some Indiana Medicaid members
- During the COVID-19 federal public health emergency Indiana Medicaid members have been able to keep their coverage without The most recent federal spending bill removed Medicaid coverage protections from federal public health emergency, which means Indiana Medicaid will begin to return to normal operations. Eligi- bility redetermination actions will begin in April 2023. Any extension of the federal public health emergency will not impact the returning to normal operations timeline for Medicaid eligibility.
- The state of Indiana is able to process many of these redeterminations automatically based on information the state has available. In some situations, the state of Indiana will need to ask the member for information about them- selves and their family, like current address, employment status and income, age and family size.
- For anyone who is currently in one of Indiana Medicaid’s health coverage programs, including the Healthy Indiana Plan, Hoosier Healthwise, Hoosier Care Connect or traditional Medicaid, taking action now could help you stay
- Is your address correct? What is your income? To help you have the right health coverage, the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration needs all Medicaid members to take these steps to ensure we have your current
» Go to FSSABenefits.IN.gov.
» Scroll down to the blue “Manage Your Benefits” section.
» Click on either “Sign into my account” or “Create account.”
» Call 800-403-0864 if you need assistance.
- Then watch your mail! Be sure to respond with any information you’re asked
- Indiana Medicaid will never discontinue a member’s coverage without them first having the opportunity to give the state new and updated information. The state will send members more info about this in the mail. It is important that members respond to requests from the Division of Family Resources and provide the needed information when you’re contacted.
- Members no longer eligible for coverage through the Medicaid program should check to see if they qualify for coverage through the Federal Marketplace online at gov or by calling 800-318-2596. Hoosiers over 65 could look into health coverage through the federal Medicare program at Medicare.gov or by calling
800-MEDICARE. Indiana’s State Health Insurance Program can also help with any questions about Medicare. Find them online at medicare.in.gov or call 800-452-4800.
- There are also specially trained and certified professionals throughout Indiana who can help Hoosiers find the right health These are called navigators and application organizations. You can find help in your area by visiting www.in.gov/healthcarereform.
March Caregiver Connections Newsletter
The latest edition of Caregiver Connections can be found at this link: https://thrive-alliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/March-2023-Caregiver-Connection.pdf