Columbus, IN—Thrive Alliance is among the recipients of 2018 National Association for Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) Aging Achievement Award in the area of the Caregiving category for its Relative Caregiver Support Group.

Launched in 2005, the awards program recognizes AAA and Title VI aging programs that exemplify innovation and sound management practices. Member AAAs and Title VI aging programs submit nominations in a variety of categories, and representatives from n4a’s Board of Directors review eligible nominations to select the winning programs.

Thrive Alliance was selected for its Relative Caregiver Support Program which began in January 2017 to offer services to those who have taken on the responsibility of raising related children who are not in the custody of the state. Children and Relatives receive supportive services, such as information and referral, support groups, recreation and enrichment, family advocacy, educational workshops, and legal training.

“Circumstances like a parent abusing substances often leave children in the care of a relative like a grandmother, a setup called kinship care and this supportive program assists them to access resources,” states Christina Rajanayakam, Family Caregiver Services Coordinator.

Thrive Alliance partnered with Family Services, Legal Aid, and Dr. Darla McKeeman (a local psychologist) to deliver these services and funding is from United Way of Bartholomew County and The Heritage Fund Community Foundation.

Picture Christina Rajanayakam, Family Caregiver
Services Coordinator